Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Characteristics of Materials 3C

Assessment criteria and Learning outcomes:

·       I know different types of materials and where they come from.

·       I know the uses of lots of different materials and why they are best for that job.

·       I have compared the hardness of different materials and decided how this affects how they are used.

·       I have compared the strength of different materials and decided how this affects their use.

·       I have compared how bendy (flexible) materials are and how this affects their use.

·       I have compared how magnetic materials are and how this affects their use.

·       I can test which material is most suitable for a particular purpose.

·       I know how to make my test fair.

·       I can say what I did and why.

·       I can keep a record of what is happening.

·       I can make a bar chart to show my findings.

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